"6 Hours" tells the story of Camilo, an ordinary young man, who one night finds that the nuclear reactor of his city is about to explode. Camilo has only 6 hours to escape from the city with his best friend before the reactor explodes.
This movie was made with 2.000 USD.
This movie was made with 2.000 USD.
Director: Diego Ayala
Executive producer: Nicole Aravena - Antonia Larrain - Rodolfo Vivanco
Cinematographer : Ariel Fuentes
Sound Design: Rodolfo Vivanco
Composer : Milton Nuñez
Art Director: Cota Borgoño
Cast: Cesar Gonzalez- Koke Santa Ana - Jocelin Anfossy - Paulina Cuevas
Producida por : Boyager Pictures - Sulfurica